Welcome again to our blog,

This past month we had the honor to work with the Voices 4 Children Foundation to create a photography workshop for less privileged children. The project was called Soaring To New Heights and its inspiration came from seeing the great number of young lives that daily gravitate towards the wrong path in life due to lack of parental guidance and inspiration. Its goals were many, but mainly to create awareness and to inspire others to help others less fortunate.

The final product was displayed this past weekend in Merrick Park of Coral Gables where thousands of people hopefully got the message…

Soaring To New Heights

What I want viewers to take from this project:
The interpretation that I hope viewers take from the final product of this workshop is that each frame represents a leap forward, each a different stage in life where help is vital. From the early age where they are still oblivious, to the finish line marked by adulthood where the future path is already well defined, be it success or failure. Hopefully viewers identify themselves with this project and help build the steps for these children to achieve new heights, and much like in the last frame, make SUCCESS inevitable!

To read more about this please visit the Herald at the following link


And to get involved with Voices 4 Children, which I highly encourage everyone to do, please visit http://www.voices4.org and see how you can get involved and help others…

Until next time…
